Some reviews on the press

 07.05.2006, Guido Alici, La pioggia d'oro
...he returned the wonder of sound of the "Grande Polonaise Brillante précédée d'un Andante Spianato Op.22" with an astonishing control and professionalism, exalting the adamantine clarity in the articulations and the phrasing.

10.11.2009, Hessischer Rundfunk
The 25 year old Italian impressed...with works by Chopin and Debussy
through his artistic maturity, musical intelligence, technical superiority and his richness
of color wealth.

30.09.2010, Bad Vilbeler Neue Presse
Andrea Capecci conquered the hearts of the music lovers with his virtuosity.
The artist could inspire the public with his interpretation of Debussys "Préludes".

20.04.2010, Kinzigtal Nachrichten
He performed Beethoven with irascible temperament... with distinct contrast emphases. The audience could truly mean the young, already masterfully and individual composing Beethoven standing behind the pianist.